Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I read a post on a friend's blog (walkonthewildeside.blogspot.com) where she talked about seeing the kids' schoolyard spotted with snowmen and snowforts and she took a moment to be grateful that imagination is still alive in a time of video games and computers. So when we were hit with a mini blizzard on Saturday morning I was determined to take the opportunity to have some free, quality time with the family. Outside it was warm, and the snow was sticky, (perfect snowmen weather!) so we all bundled up and played in the yard.

One of the families down the street already had their snowman under construction, four layers high, they were using a ladder to add the finishing touches. Not to be outdone James started work on the biggest (fattest) snowman I'd ever seen. He literally cleared the snow from out yard, it was all in the snowman!

K loved it outside. With the help of his dump truck he transported loads of snow and helped pack whatever he didn't eat onto the snowman. He also made his own little snow blob right next to the big one, and added buttons for the eyes and a carrot for the nose (which he promptly ate prior to any photo opportunity).

C is getting used to the snow, but its not really his thing. When K was a toddler he used to (and still does come to think of it) just lay face down in the snow. C, on the other hand, has a major meltdown any time his skin comes into actual contact with the white stuff. he gets frustrated that he can't walk easily, and his mittens make picking up the snow rather difficult. For most of our snowman adventure he just sat under our tree with his bucket, and cried any time a piece of snow fell from the branches above. Poor kid.

The finished snowman was great! K had a blast, so did James and I, and C did okay :) Check K out in this photo, he's taking a big bite out of the snowman! (Seriously, if you read my mealtime battles post this is just further proof of his tendency to eat everything in sight UNLESS its on the dinner plate!) The weather warmed up really quickly, by that evening the snowman looked more like it belonged in Calvin and Hobbes Snowmen House of Horror. Poor guy, writhing as he melts.

Oh well, we had a blast, hope you enjoy the pics.

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