Thursday, June 23, 2011

Best Playdough Recipe

Want to be the coolest mommy ever? Then do I have the stuff for you...homemade play-dough. Who knew?
Since we have entered monsoon season, its been a battle to think of new things to keep the boys entertained. I cancelled the cable a few weeks ago so we could 'spend more time outside and enjoy the summer'. (Guess how well that plan worked out?! Lol, its basically been raining ever since.) So, I decided to try my hand at some play-dough. We have the store bought stuff, but there's nothing quite like homemade. I found a fabulous recipe, and I thought I'd share. It was so much easier than I originally thought, and it only took about 5 minutes per batch. So far we've been using it for almost two weeks and its exactly as it was the day I made it...aside from the fact that C's ration went from 3 bright colors, to 1 muddy blob. Either way, it keeps them entertained for HOURS, which is great :)
You will need:
1 cup white flour
1/4 cup salt
2 Tbsp Cream of Tartar
1 Tbsp Oil
1 cup water

Mix together all the ingredients and heat over medium low heat stirring constantly. After about 3-5 minutes the dough will come together to form a ball that looks something like this:
Mmmmm, looks yummy, no?

At this point, remove from the heat and knead the dough for another 3-5 minues. I've also seen versions thatsay to add the food coloring at the kneading stage, which I suppose would work well if you wanted a few different colors from the same batch.

And TAH DAH! You are officially cool. How cool you ask? So cool that, as K put it, "Other kids might say their Mom is the best, but no, YOU are the BESTEST MOM in the WHOLE WORLD."

Store it in an air tight container (I keep it in the fridge) and you are good to go!

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