Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Say Mommy"

Good grief. Six weeks of sick and finally it seems we've reached the end (hopefully not an intermission) to the barrage of flu strains that have been plaguing the family since the end of October. With several trips to the Children's Hospital and family doctors, the boys have both come out of it unscathed. Feels like we just skipped November all together, and I'm completely behind the eight ball for Christmas and birthday planning. All my dreams of homemade cards and jams and jellies are quickly being replaced with email Christmas cards and Walmart shopping sprees.

But its not all bad. In the last six weeks, C's language has exploded. With all the hearing/speech issues that K went through, "normal" language development is completely new for me, and so much fun. It started with "aw-gee" for doggy, and within a few days "peez" (please), "cookie" and "ya" had cropped up too. Then came my favorite, "maw-mee". The word we wait for. All those late night marathons and diaper changes were finally validated with a loving "maw-mee". I was thrilled.

What was most amazing to me though, was how quickly the meaning of that sound changed. From a loving recognition, to a synonym for "I want". From the sweetest intonation, to a crying whine. *Sigh* the worst part, is that in the past when C cried at bedtime or had a little whail after I took something away I didn't feel the same guilt that now accompanies the sad little "Maw-meeeee" that comes with the cry. Its much harder to resist going into his room to (once again) try to sing him lullabies or give him a cuddle. At 18 months he's discovered the ultimate power advantage.

Its all very exciting, new sounds, little babbling conversations he has with us, hand gestures and all. and I'm cherishing that "maw-mee" sound, whining or not.

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