Friday, July 29, 2011

Linda Blair 2.0

Feeding L is disgusting.

There I said it.

It was so exciting with K, first kid and all. With C it was tolerable, but sorry Miss L. You are revolting.

As if baby food isn't gross enough on its own. The textures, the smells. Bleh. But now lets add that it goes in and out at least twice before you manage to either swallow it, OR, a personal favorite, buzz you lips and send it flying. I seriously might have to start showering post feeding. Its becoming a bit much.

Today was an all time gross out winner. Mashed avocado sent spraying over a 6 foot radius. It was far too reminiscent of the exorcist. Thank goodness you're much cuter than Linda.

Do they make sneeze guards for kids?

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