Saturday, August 6, 2011

Let's Make A Deal

I love my kids. Of course I do. I love them like I love my husband, in that, "I'd totally give you a kidney...but right now you're driving me insane" kind of a way. More often than not they are making my heart smile. They are funny and sweet. They are loving and kind. And they are also dirty and obnoxious.

Today they are definitely more on the dirty and obnoxious end of the spectrum. They're also being sweet and sharing and playing very nicely. But as I survey the house, that I so painstakingly cleaned yesterday and I realize that I have to once again clean

the piles of shoes

the over-flowing laundry hampers

the giant gobs of toothpaste

the mystery contents of petri dishes sippy cups left in various warm environments

the pee-smelling couch cushions

the food stained chairs


...So now, that being said, even though yes, I would give you my eyes, today boys, I might also trade you for a warm chai tea latte and a good book.  At least for a few hours.

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