Tuesday, August 2, 2011

10 Things I Actually Said Last Week

10. If you weren't sitting on him, he wouldn't have bit you.

9. Wait until you stop coughing to shove more food in your mouth.

8. You can't have dessert until you finish your french fries.

7. Is that pee or did you sit on something wet?

6. Ya, I just brushed my hair with my fingers this morning.

5. Is L a 'cribby crib crib'? I have no idea what you're talking about.

4. Jokes on you, the dogs don't eat bananas.

3. Peeing might not be 'fun', but we still have to do it.

2. You really don't want to put your face on your sisters butt.

1. Please don't rub your bun on your foot.

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