Monday, August 15, 2011

Baby Talk

Baby talk. I'm not a big fan of it. It would be rare to find me talking all goofy, and I don't really encourage it in the kids either. That being said, there have been a few words that they've come up with that were just too cute to correct.

For example, when K was first starting to talk he had a lot of difficulties with a lot of sounds. There were like 10 different words that all came out 'guk'. Context was critical. Milk was 'guk'. Stuck was 'guk'. If it ended in a 'k' it sounded like 'guk'.

'Pops' was also tricky. Pops was 'Yops' for at least a year, to the point that I think he was a little sad when K starting saying it properly.

There are only a few from K that remain, and here they are:

"Mom, I'm borned" = Mom, I'm bored

"Can I have some hungeets?" = Can I have crackers? I think it started from, 'are you hungry?'

"We're going on a holcation!" = holiday + vacation

So while I"m quite happy to see his language explode and improve, I can admit that I will miss holcations and hungeets.

What about you? What does your child says that keeps you smiling?

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