Friday, January 15, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Ah, Don't you love a good chinook? Being from Winnipeg I can really appreciate a break from chilling weather (even if we pay the price with a headache!). I decided that in the hopes of encouraging an early spring I would shake up the blog's image to something a little more "springish". What do you all think?

Now, onto my topic of the day. All this Spring weather has got me in the Spring Cleaning mode. Despite my best efforts my house is a disaster zone 99.9% of the time. It occured to me today that I 've subconsciously come up with a cleaning system. My house is only really clean if I'm having company over. James jokes that we should have a party once a month just to keep our housework up to date. At all other times, the level of clean in my house is based on two facors: 1. How well I know my house guest  2. How clean that guest keeps their home.

I don't think it was intentional, but I've noticed it recently. There are friends I break my back over trying to keep up the perception of being Martha, and there are friends that I tidy for, and my family...well, you've seen it, you know my dirty secret.

I've had many conversations about it with James. I have about the same chance of keeping the house clean with my little mess makers as a fart in a tornado. By the time one room is tidy, they've destroyed two others.

Today as I was wiping finger prints off of cupboards, a happy thought crossed my mind. Maybe my friends are all doing the same thing. Maybe we've all entered into this mutual, unspoken arrangement whereby we all put on an act for one another. And if that is the case, I'd really love to hear about it. And if you are that amazingly organized, always clean mom (and there's a few of you who come to mind), what is your secret!!?? Is there a system? Do you have a maid? Maybe the secret is to clean your house instead of sitting at the computer blogging....hmm, I think I hear my vacuum calling.


  1. *laughs* I am EXACTLY the same with my house. Sorry to report that there is no system and much to MY dismay there is also no maid. My house is always in a state of organized chaos.... and I usually don't take the time to fix it. But like you, when company is coming over I clean like a mad woman to keep up the appearance of being "super housewife". I say let's all forgo the crazy cleaning frenzy... the dish gloves are off... I need a nap!
    luv Megan

  2. Ahhh, yes, yes...I think I am one of those people. Wait...I know I am, because you've told me so! I can't stand messes. I hate them. I feel out of control when the house is upside down. I clean for myself, and not for anyone else. The house is as clean on a random day as it is when there's company coming over. And I don't clean on kiddie time...I clean on my time...which is definitely a good time-eater...that's for sure!! I have 3 mess makers, and all it adds up to is more time spent cleaning when I should be relaxing. But then again, I like cleaning. There's no maid. I don't even want one. That's the truth! I wish it didn't bother me...but it does. *sigh*
