Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's a Love / Hate Kinda Thing

This week I've had two separate people ask me, "Do your kids fight?". Which literally made me laugh out loud.

I mean, are you serious? I would have thought anyone within a 5 km radius of my home has heard my kids fight. They fight about everything. They fight about toys ("mine" "MINE"), they fight about not having toys ("You take this one" "NOOOO"), they fight about who sits where, who plays what. I once over heard an argument that went a little something like this:


When I asked them what they were fighting about, I kid you not the answer I got was, "He said yes"

Do my kids fight? HA!

The thing I don't get though, is that they really do love eachother. They bicker and fight and sit on each other and throw toys at one another, and then the second I separate them all I hear is a chorus of "I miss K" "I miss C".

Seriously, what is that? 

They look all sweet and innocent. In fact, they have long periods of loving play. Cuddling on the sofa, reading each other stories, playing and sharing nicely. But man, when they go at it, it's intense. If I'm going to make it through the next, I don't know how many years (please tell me it gets better as they get older...no? crap) I'm going to need to:
1. Stock up on Tylenol and Tums
2. Start drinking, like NOW
3. Buy a soundproof room...not sure yet if its to contain them, or for me to escape.

Sure they're cute. I mean, I have to admit I am an excellent breeder of children, look how cute those kidlets are. But don't let them fool you. Do my kids fight? Only when they're awake.

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